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Using google earth to display maps in the right location

Google Earth® allows creating KML files, that allow placing bitmaps on top of Google Earth´s satellite image surface.
This is a very easy way of showing your own maps in the right location on (Googles) Earth. You can easily make the
pictures transparent, so you can match them by eye to the satellite images. a more precise way is using the advanced
option to set the upper, lower, left, and right limits of the bitmap in decimal degrees.

example GE screen

The below file is an example of a small kml file to display a map on top of the satellite image surface.


simple kml - file

minimum kml file for placemarks

multiple placemarks in one file

defining buildings in a kml file

fix if kml-files from your server do not open in GE

watch and play route in Google Earth

fix if Google Earth does not connect  to server

example file

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
     <name>Tahiti slide</name>
     <description><![CDATA[Tahitan slide. Figure from
        <a href="http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2006.../2005GC001003.shtml">
          Hildenbrand,A., Gillot, P.Y. & Bonneville, A. (2006): Offshore evidence
          for a huge landslide on the northern flank of Tahiti Nui (French
          Polynesia), G3

xml declaration header
kml tag, opens Google Earth®
GroundOverlay tag opener
name is optional
description is optional. Between ![CDATA[ and ]] you can use html syntax. a link (<a href=) as seen on the left will be an active link like in a browser. This way you can reference your maps properly

<color> by this tag the image is made transparent

tag. Very powerful tag, may be used to display an image anywhere on the earth. In GE 3 the image cannot stand vertically. GE 4 already allows to glue images to vertical surfaces (you need a fast computer for GE 4 !!)
 <LatLonBox> is used to georeference the image. just write down the upper, lower, left, and right limits of your image in decimal degrees. works best when your image points north, and when the map is unprojected ( 1 degree x 1 degree = square)

by default your bitmap will be centered and it will take 75% of the screen


You can easily create such a file by using Google Earths Add - Image overlay function. GE will put an image frame in the center of your screen and lets you select a bitmap file. You can grab it the sides with the mouse and change the size and even turn it . To save it, use File Save As.. I suggest to use .KML as a file format, since you can look at it in an editor, and easily see and understand how the KML syntax works.

The default option .KMZ is a zipped format.

page created by M.Kölling & T.Feseker