multicorer is being recovered. up to 16 tubes may be used to sample
both sediment and genuine bottom water.
samples are enclosed between two shutters which are securely closed
when the device is lifted
sediment is kept in place by a titanium or stainless steel shovel,
the shutters are removed and replaced by rubber stoppers
the closed tubes
are carefully stored in a tube stand The multicorer is the preferred
sampling device for investigation of the water-sediment interface,
flux studies and high resolution measurements in the uppermost part
of the sediment.
In the cool
lab the lower rubber stopper is replaced by a piston and the upper
end of the tube is fixed in a hole in the glove box bottom. After
bottom water is sampled sediment pH and Eh are determined. The sediment
may then be pushed out layer by layer, cut and porewater is extracted
using the pressure filtration device