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Autosampler for HPLC - Kontron
Kontron Autosampler for HPLC valve and sampler needle sample chain
type Kontron HPLC 360
alternative sampler KNAUER autosampler
spec sample chain autosampler for small sample vials (max 3 mL) we use Eppendorf tubes which do not exactly fit into the sample chain. HPLC-valve with 10 to 100 µL sample loop. Washing and sample uptake driven by 250µL Hamilton syringe
volume settings
Sample loop µL 10 20 60 100
gap µL 5 5 5 5
sample µL 40 80 180 180
gap µL 5 5 5 5
into loop µL 40 40 40 40
total volume (max 240) µL 90 130 230 230
volume setting tips gap separates sample from eluent or wash solution. total volume max. 240 µL due to syringe used (250 µL) sample volume should be always more than loop volume and high enough to allow some rinsing of loop. "into loop" volume fills the needle and connection tube with wash solution so an optimum amount of the sample is used for filling and rinsing the loop.
Check that both air gaps are outside the sample loop
check rotor seal
rotor seal can be taken out without using tools by unscrewing the seal holder in the middle of the valve by hand. Do not touch the hex nut in the middle of the seal holder.This is used to adjust the spring pressure that keeps the seal in place. It is easier to take out the seal using a magnet (there is a special Kontron tool). Clean seal with soft solvent and dustfree tissues.

The rotor seal has a mark on the flat rear end. Mark should point upward left between valve connections 1 and 6.

sample chain

Sample chain has 65 links. Link 0 has a magnet built into it. To open sample chain fold two links to 90 degrees angle and gently separate them. The complete sample chain holder block can be taken out after opening the lock handle next to the gear-wheel (left = closed, right = open)

tips + tricks The service for Kontron Autosampler is in Germany now provided by Elektro-Goebel Tel.+49- 8752-867080

page created by M.Kölling & T.Feseker