/ pE
punch-in redox probes
blue: SCHOTT with ring Pt-electrode
red: INGOLD with cone-shaped Pt-electrode
Eh /pE
potential is measured by punching electrodes into undisturbed sediment.
Raw readings (mV) on the pH-meter have to be corrected by the standard
potential of the reference system (usually Ag/AgCl in 3 M/L KCl)
Eh (SHE) = Ehmeas.[mV] + 207 + 0.7*(25 - temp[°C] ).
Measurement inside argon-flooded glove box yields reliable values
for anoxic sediments. Make sure both electrode and diaphragm are covered
with sediment. .If blocking of diaphragm by silver sulfide precipitates
occurs double junction probes or Pt-electrodes with separate double-junction
reference are preferred.