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Marine Geochemistry - Laboratory Methods

Converting methane (CH4) headspace measurements in ppm to pore water concentrations in mM/L

The sediment samples have been taken as fast as possible from the core catcher
or the cut surface during separation of core liners into sections,
immediately sealed in a headspace vial with a NaCl brine or NaOH receiver,
shaken for 3 min, and either measured within a few hours or stored upside down at -18°C.
For measurement, headspace vials are warmed up to room temperature
and gas samples for analyses are taken from the headspace above the sediment / brine slurry.

Parameters needed:

VSed   - amount of sediment sample (e.g  a syringe sample of 2.5 mL) in L
Vvial    - total volume of the headspace vial Vvial (e.g. 20 mL) in L
Vbrine  - amount of NaOH or brine receiver in the vial to drive CH4 to headspace. (e.g. 7.5 mL ) in L
VGas   - amount of headspace gas VGas (e.g. 10 mL or 0.01 L) in L
             VGas   = Vvial - Vsed - Vbrine
VIG     - ideal gas volume at 25°C and 1 bar = 24.789 L/M
CHS    - methane concentration in headspace gas in ppm
por     - sediment porosity as a fraction of  1

Cpw    - methane concentration in pore water in M/L

           Cpw =  VGas / VIG  * CHS  x 10-6 x 1 / (Vsed x por)

If only sediment density ρsed is known from e.g. MSCL measurement, porosity may be estimated from
    por = (ρrock  - ρsed ) / ( ρrock - ρpw)

Example : Concentration from GC measurement  CHS = 20000 ppm, porosity  por = 0.8

         Cpw =  0.01 / 24.789  x 20000  x 10-6 x 1 / (0.0025 x 0.8) = 0.00403 M/L  = 4.03 mM/L

In Excel, the densities from MSCL measurements at the depth of the methane samples
may be extracted from a MSCL dataset  using the VLOOKUP function

CH4  sample depth in column A,
MSCL depth and MSCL densities in columns D and E  e.g. from line 2 to line 100
MSCL depths are increasing, no empty readings in E

densitiy at the sample depth found in cell A2 =VLOOKUP (A2,$D$2:$E$100,2)
if there is no exact match, the VLOOKUP function will use the previous reading
e.g. Methane sample depth at 2.25 m and only MSCL density readings at  2.21 m and 2.26 m exist,
VLOOKUP will return the denstiy from column E at 2.21m.

original time stamp 19.December 2022

page created by M.Kölling